What pleasure to spend an evening with Carli Alman and Bettina Tyrrell talking about at-home hair colour and box dyes as we're often advised to steer clear. In order to cover this topic from the roots, That Beauty Podcast called in the expert of an award-winning Sydney hair colourist, the Ambassador for Clairol's Root Touch Up box dye, and known as The Blonde Whisperer Belinda Jeffrey to share her tips and tricks on how to colour our hair at home like a pro would.
Get ready to listen on how they uncover the secrets of choosing the perfect at-home hair color, shielding your hairline from stubborn dye stains and the right product for to maintain the colour!
On Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/how-to-expertly-cover-greys-with-a-box-dye-according/id1517254441?i=1000662438722
On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3TVv6nXUMH28ZgWPcri76n?si=9ZX6PUzmSgiwUQ_n4CEyRA
Thanks to:
Clairol's Root Touch Up
That Beauty Podcast host and producers: Carli Alman and Bettina Tyrrell
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